Iota Dimou quote

4 Core Benefits of Expanding Your Consultancy to Foreign Territories

In this deep-dive article, we share insights from Iota Dimou, Co-founder & CEO at Pixida, on the 4 core reasons why they decided to venture outside of Germany.

In this article...

  1. Unlocking new markets: how international expansion can attract clients
  2. Global talent acquisition: the competitive edge of expanding your consultancy abroad
  3. Cultural enrichment: how going international transforms company culture
  4. Diversification for success: the power of collaboration in foreign territories

Read time: 3 minutes

In today's interconnected world, businesses are increasingly looking beyond their home borders to explore new opportunities and tap into new markets.

In a recent conversation with Pixida CEO & Co-Founder Iota Dimou and Managing Director Johann Neubauer at the 2023 LEADERS IN CONSULTING Conference, we uncovered 4 core advantages that arise from leaping into foreign territories.

Unlocking new markets: How international expansion can attract clients

Expanding your consultancy internationally opens the door to a vast array of fresh market possibilities.

By venturing into foreign territories, you can attract a wider clientele base and foster meaningful relationships with potential clients worldwide.

"We went international because we wanted to find new clients. Stepping into the US for the first time allowed us to connect with a broader audience and gain a competitive edge."

Key benefits of accessing new markets:

  • Increased revenue streams from diverse clients.
  • Reduced dependency on a single market for sustainability.
  • Enhanced reputation and credibility in the global marketplace.

In the case of Pixida, they started by following their client BMW to the U.S. to support them with a large project. From there, they hired a local CEO who helped the company to acquire new clients such as Honda, General Motors, Ford, and more.

Global talent acquisition: The competitive edge of expanding your consultancy abroad

The benefits of international expansion extend beyond reaching new clients. It also enhances your ability to attract and retain top-notch talent.

As a consultancy with a global presence, you become an appealing employer, offering employees unique opportunities to work on international projects and explore various countries.

"Finding and obtaining talent becomes easier when you're known as an employer who offers exciting prospects. Talented individuals from abroad also become interested in working with you in your home country."

Advantages of global talent acquisition:

  • Access to diverse skills and expertise from different cultures.
  • Enhanced creativity and innovation through collaboration.
  • Increased adaptability and resilience to market changes.

Cultural enrichment: How going international transforms company culture

Expanding your consultancy internationally introduces greater cultural diversity within your team.

Embracing and celebrating different perspectives and practices can lead to significant improvements in your company's culture, fostering a harmonious and inclusive work environment.

"Going abroad helped us evolve our culture as a team. We got a lot of different aspects and diverse cultures integrated, which helped drive diversification."

Cultural enrichment benefits:

  • Greater cross-cultural understanding and empathy among employees.
  • Improved communication and collaboration in a multicultural setting.
  • A more dynamic and adaptable organizational culture.

Pixida currently has 11 offices in 5 countries: Germany, Portugal, China, Brazil, and the U.S.

Diversification for success: The power of collaboration in foreign territories

Expanding your consultancy to international markets enables you to collaborate with partner companies from various countries.

This collaboration can be mutually beneficial, as local partners can provide essential insights and support while expanding your consultancy's reach.

"German partner companies reached out to us to collaborate on projects where they needed support in their international activities. This mutually beneficial partnership was a significant advantage of going international."

Key advantages of international collaboration:

  • Access to local knowledge and insights into foreign markets.
  • Mitigation of risks associated with entering unfamiliar territories.
  • Enhanced brand reputation through strategic alliances.

What are you waiting for?

Expanding your consultancy to foreign territories holds numerous advantages that can significantly impact your business's growth and success.

From accessing new markets and attracting global talent to enriching your company culture and fostering collaborative partnerships, the benefits are undeniable. By taking cues from successful consultancies like Pixida, you can unlock the true potential of international expansion and position your consultancy as a global leader in its industry.

So, what are you waiting for?

Be open-minded, plan strategically, and embark on your journey to international expansion.

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